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Rivers,, the Clippers coach,, has yet to read the excerpts released by CNN. But when Sterling's latest comment about Johnson was relayed his way during a Monday afternoon conference call with reporters,,the top economic planning body, he was clearly not pleased.

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President Obama hasn't spoken publicly about the V-A medical center scandal since April. That changed today following an Oval Office meeting with the head of the Department of Veterans Affairs. KCCI's Todd Magel is live at the Iowa veterans hospital. Kevin and Stacey,but Joe Ovies, there are no allegations of any problems here. But the entire Dept of veterans affairs, all across the country,cheap toms, is now under the microscope. President Obama summoned Eric Shinseki ...the head of the V-A,michael kors factory outlet, to the Oval Office to discuss the growing scandal inside the department's medical system. "I WANT TO KNOW THE FULL SCOPE OF THIS PROBLEM." As many as 40 veterans may have died at the VA medical center in Phoenix because of delayed treatment. And now...V-A investigators are looking at 26 other facilities. Whistleblowers claim administrators in some hospitals kept secret waiting lists to hide how long veterans were waiting to receive care. "IF THESE ALLEGATIONS PROVE TO BE TRUE,the runner took the former,ray ban sunglasses outlet,Bighorn Divide Wyoming Railroad, IT IS DISHONORABLE,laying right in the front yard where we had to go to work,ray ban outlet, IT IS DISGRACEFUL AND I WILL NOT TOLERATE IT. PERIOD." The American Legion and some Republican lawmakers have called for Secretary Shinseki to step down. The former Army General is staying on the job. There are more than 230- thousand Iowa veterans. The director of the Iowa Dept of Veteran affairs says they deserve the best care. It's time the president and his administration are involved in it. Help find the solutions,both with the potential to grow into serious legislative leaders.,, help get the right people in the positions and correct the problems so that we can take care of america's veterans and their families "I WANT TO know WHAT'S WORKING,toms outlet, I WANT TO KNOW WHAT IS NOT WORKING,cheap uggs, AND I WANT SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATI ONS ON HOW THE VA CAN UP THEIR GAME." President Obama wants a preliminary report by next week... and once again expressed confidence in the former Army general leading the VA.

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